Frequently Asked Questions

Three Dimensional Therapy Practitoners Group


Is Three Dimensional Therapy like conventional counselling and talk therapies?

Three Dimensional Therapy focuses on healing at the energetic feeling level, which is where all healing takes place.

There is much less of an emphasis placed on the client to talk about their history during the session and more on the practitioner connecting with, identifying, and releasing old stuck energetic mental patterns blocking the client from their causal feelings, most often the case, that they are in denial over.

Space is held for feelings to be realsed in the process during the session, and the agengy of presence held on behalf of the client.

How many session do I need?

T3 is an innovative method which has been proven sucessful on a consistant basis. In practises around the world, this powerpul theraputic tool is accomplishing in days or weeks what formally took months and years to accomplish using more traditional methods.

We all differ by our life length and amount of life experiences which we feel inclined to work through. Practitioners often work with the biggest core belief systems initially to help assit a client move ahead more quickly, then under their own initiative once their feelings or love and security on different issues are resolved sufficiently.

After each session, given some time for integration, the client will generally feel if they require a next session and when they feel that best to occur.

Why does my practitioner need so much information from me in advance?

In general, up to around 6 pieces of information could be asked for in advance by your practioner as detailed below.

The need for this is to help formulate and strategize a framework approach towards first working on the most viable issues for you, beginning with your initial session.


 1. List your birth family: parents, siblings and their ages, where you fit into the birth order, and any miscarriages or stillborn(s) your mother had. Include additional information about step parents and/or step or half siblings, if it applies, plus your age.
2. List your current family or living circumstance.
3. Make a note of any major traumas in your life: death, divorces, accidents, abuses, or a memory you
feel had a negative impact on your life.
4. If possible, please send a snapshot, one page of your recent handwriting on unlined paper, to allow for sufficient variability of cursive text for analysis.
5. If possible, visit the following website address: and click on ‘Learn Your Love Language’, and send the results back to
6. Briefly list two or three reasons why you are coming to therapy or what you hope to accomplish.
Is Three Dimensional Therapy really as effective in person as it is at a distance?

The short answer is yes, however based on how people perceive results based on their own beliefs, for some, being with a practiotner is more beneficial.

Is Three Dimensional Therapy suited to all possible healing scenarios?

Sometimes T3 cannot benefit a client, or they are not ready.

In this instance, the scope of what can be accomplished without a specialist niche therapist’s involvement on key areas will be limited without pursuing that line of enquiry first.

Alternatively, some clients will not have a true feeling desire to progress and we would be wasting their time and money, verses the need for themselves to take an honest look at their life for themselves and the choice to be open to change.

It is the client that is opening towards change, and we are acting as facilitators for that change.

In some cases the client would benefit from seeing another type of therapist who specialises in a particular area such as marriage counseling or addiction recovery.

The best oppourtunity to address this concern would be to arrange to speak with a T3 practitioner and discuss matters in advance of arranging any sessionwork.

Feel free to drop us a message here and we can advise further.

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